Monday, October 8, 2007

USWeekly here I come

On Saturdays we have 2 shows, one at 6pm and one at 10pm. Considering my previous experience as a glam-rock-star, I figured that my 10 o'clock shows would be my best show of the week since I was used to performing at that time with the band. But you can't drink beers and fall down onstage and scream your voice out in Mamma Mia, which was apparently what kept me going at Fabulous Entourage gigs.

So anyway, between shows I try and find a calming escape where I can rest my voice and eat my homemade dinner in relative peace. The best place I've found so far is the Mandalay Bay Starbucks, which isn't exactly a tranquil paradise, but does the trick on a 90 minute dinner break. The only bad thing about this location is that audience members tend to go there after the show because it's not too far from the theater, so I'm constantly bombarded with autograph requests, paparazzi flashing pictures of me and invites to VIP club events. But I guess that's life when you're the star of Mamma Mia Las Vegas.

Last Saturday as I was sitting down to leftover ratatouille at the Starbuck's lounge, I looked up to find an 8 year old blond girl in a little blue dress standing in front of me. "I was wondering," she asked shyly, "can I buy you a drink?" I gave her a confused look until I noticed her two sisters and babysitter standing by the Barista counter smiling and waving to me, eager to put in my coffee order. I burst out laughing and said, "Wow, that is so nice, no one has ever offered that to me, and absolutely you can buy me a drink!" So they got me my usual between show decaf-tall-soy-extra-hot-no-foam latte (for reals) and chatted with me for a while. They asked me if my boyfriend in the show was really my boyfriend. "Oh no" I told them. I hesitated for a moment before blurting out, "He doesn't like girls in real life." They all laughed and the babysitter said, "We figured."


Ricky said...

that's a pretty amazing story. What did you autograph for the little girl? man 'is he your boyfriend in real life?" priceless.

Destinee said...

I hope someday I'll be so fine that even little girls can't help but hit on me.