Friday, November 9, 2007


Just so you guys know, available visiting hours are disappearing quickly. So if you're planning a trip to visit me out here in the desert, you should start thinking about it now. November is totally booked! That's right, every weekend this month, including Thanksgiving, I will have people in town (sometimes multiple people) so start looking at December and January. Here's the schedule:

11/9 - 11/11 - Mom and Dad Winters! Also Darrell's Grandma Sue! (that's right, I'll host other people's family members)
11/15 - 11/18 - Possibly some guy I've been facebooking with for the past 2 months who is going to the Billy Joel concert. He assumed he could crash at my place, but when I told him I didn't think that was prudent, I think he canceled his trip. Yikes!
11/17 - 11/19 - My dear voice coach and mentor Gwen Arment and her husband (don't know his name, but I bet he's cool)
11/19 - 11/21 - My second favorite band member and band member-significant-other Kyle Jarrow and Sarah Sloboda!
11/23 - 11/26 - Darrell and his bro-bear (his term, not mine) Christian.

Also December 2-5 someone named Polly from the Whitman College Alumni Relations Office is going to be here and January 3-5 some dear friends from high school (Dave Olson and Lars Nelson, could you get anymore Scandinavian?) will be in town. I haven't officially been offered to renew my contract, so I haven't officially declined to renew it, but at this point, it looks like I'll be coming home to New York at the end of January when my 6 months is up. So if you want to come and see me in the Mia, start checking those flights.


Sunday, November 4, 2007

What's in your bag?

Here's an article about me in the Las Vegas Review Journal's style section. It's about me and my purse. That counts as news here. My Purse.

The funny thing is, I just bought a new handbag yesterday (a black Lockheart tote kind of like the red one on this page but cooler) so this article (and picture) are already out of date. And for the record, I never read New Yorker magazine. That happened to be in there because I was eating dinner alone one night and needed something to read so that men wouldn't hit on me. I figured no one in Mandalay Bay would want to talk to me if I were reading about the Hilary campaign.

And, PS - there was a wine key in my purse not because I'm an alcoholic and always need to have a bottle opener at the ready so I can have a drink any time anywhere; rather, it was a vestige from my days as a waitress when you always had to have a bottle opener at the ready because it was your job.

PPS if anyone can tell me how to make the links in this post actually work that would be great. I have that little knowledge of html.