Monday, December 8, 2008

Duderina Jolie

So a few months ago, I was fortunate enough to have a role on this hilarious and hip web show, Duder, written and directed by the hilarious and hip Matt Kirsch. The show, now finishing it's second season, chronicles the awkward and funny moments in Ricky and Glen lives. These two duders ponder, mock, celebrate and scoff at the various mundane and hilarious situations in which they find themselves. While their observations and discoveries are presented with an ever ironic bent, these duders eschew the utterly apathetic and disdainful outlook that has come to define those pesky hipsters you find in Brooklyn these days. Here's an episode I was lucky enough to have a role in. Don't hate her because she says things like "cool beans" and "ciao". Hate her because she thinks she's the shit:

Another Door Note from duder. on Vimeo.">