Tuesday, May 6, 2008


You guys, this is a serious blog. Really. It's not tongue in cheek. My tongue is totally where it should be: lightly resting against the back of my upper teeth so as to avoid unconscious jaw tension.

I saw Michelle Williams yesterday at Urban Spring on DeKalb in Fort Greene eating a sandwich of what looked like beets and goat cheese. Her daughter was drinking a smoothie and dressed in an awesome fairy-princess ballet outfit. Her kid looks JUST like Heath Ledger. The resemblance was so striking, it made me sad to think about the recent tragedy. Michelle looked totally beautiful, but totally had that single-mother-tired about her. Not to mention that the-father-of-my-child-recently-died look behind her eyes.

It made me think about how a long time ago, I got a call back for Dawson's Creek. I was pissed when I didn't get cast, and I remember watching the show and hating all the actors on it for getting to be television stars in Hollywood while I ate hot-dish and did nordic skiing in Minnesota.

Now one of them is a Scientologist married to arguably the biggest gay-rumor in Hollywood and the other is a single mother widow. I work at a wine store.

I guess seeing single-mother-widow-Williams reminded me that life is usually insanely unglamorous no matter who you are. It is difficult in varying levels and varyings ways. Surely the Dawson's Creek girls have things that I covet: nice jeans, enough money to eat at Urban Spring, the prospect of getting acting work ever again. But maybe I have things that they think I'm really lucky to have and they wish they had too.

Like 25% employee discount at Thirst Wine Merchants?

Tongue back in to normal cheek position.

Friday night

These things really happen.

Me: what can I bring you?
Lady w/big weird headband who looks like Velma from Scooby Doo: Um, well, I need your help
Me: OK, sure, what do you need?
Velma: Well, cheese.
Me: OK
Velma: What do you like?
Me: Oh, well have you tried the Humboldt Fog? That's a popular one that's kind of famous, or the Robiolo is delicious if you want something mild.
Velma: Well . . .
Me: . . . yes . . .
Velma: yes but which one tastes the most like cheese?
Me: . . .
Velma: . . .
Me: . . . the most like cheese? I guess I don't know what you mean.
Velma: you know, like, cheese, like . . .
Me: . . .
Velma: . . . I'll have the olives.
Me: great