Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Days 4,5 and 6

Working at a bar while detoxing is really hard. REALLY hard. Abstaining from alcohol isn't usually that difficult for me, once I get some momentum going. But that stretch from 9:30-10:30 when the dinner rush has subsided and the after-dinner rush hasn't kicked in is when we all usually start drinking out of boredom and curiosity and that hour or so is the hardest part to get through when there's nothing to do with your hands. Or mouth. Or liver.

But I did it. And not only did I make it through a Friday and Saturday night behind the bar without drinking any alcohol, I also worked my Sunday shift while fasting. Yeah! I am proud of myself. So proud in fact that I decided it was ok to eat some bread yesterday. Oops! It was super crunchy and high fiber, but it was bread none the less. I've decided not to beat myself up over it though. I remember reading this person's philosophy on some raw-foodist website about how it is better to think of yourself as going 99% raw than 100%. That way if you make a mistake or slip up, you don't beat yourself up for not being 100% and get all depressed about it, since the whole point of it in the first place is to feel good. So I am 99% detoxing. I ate some bread, I drank some wine that one night. But for the most part, I've been really good to myself the past week, and I'm looking forward to the next one.

That's not to say I don't fantasize about Pizza and beer. I do. Look I even capitalized Pizza like it's a proper noun. But those first few days I was like, "Oh my god, if I don't eat a pizza now I'll die." Now I'm just like, "oh it will be nice to have pizza as an option again." Yeah, the next time I feel like waking up with bags under my eyes and a stomach ache.

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