Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Obama Brown

Maybe I shouldn't be an actress because whenever I watch myself on tape, it makes me hate myself.

These British guys stopped me in Union Square on the way to have brunch with Katy. I of course thought that I gave them thoughtful, intelligent answers to their questions, but they managed to make me look like a douche bag anyway.


Unknown said...

Now Libby, when we last talked you had just come from Las Vegas and you were mighty skeptical of the Presidential candidate who spoke well, but had little say. Yet, now that you are in Hillary country and you support Obama. So, what is the story?

Destinee said...

Last names are all that matter anyway. You killed it.

Unknown said...

yahhhooooo! I, on the other hand, L-O-V-E love seeing your pretty face on the little screen. soooo far away. :(