Wednesday, March 11, 2009

detox day 1: utter failure

So I did really well all day. I did yoga, I ate healthy foods, I drank some water with lemon and I made a delicious dinner for R and I. But when the idea of a bottle of wine came up, I just couldn't turn it down. My delicious mediterranean meal cried out for the De Forville Barber D'Alba in my fridge. Plus, red wine has antioxidants and it's good for preventing heart disease right? Ah! Minus ten points for drinking alcohol.

Then it got worse. We went to R's house to play Settlers of Catan, and it was totally impossible for me to play the board game without some of the delicious beer everyone was drinking. I had very little, but I had some none the less. And then to top it all off, since I'd already made some unforgivable mistakes, I pulled the week old chocolate birthday cake out of the fridge and had a few bites.

Complete and utter failure on day 1.

But I get another chance today. And I made some headway on cleaning my apartment to make it more of a sanctuary: I took all my CDs from high school out of the rotting cardboard box in the corner and put them on my computer. Now I have a full square foot more room in my studio!

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