Tuesday, November 11, 2008

good vibes

Send your good thoughts my way, I got two callbacks today.

That was a poem and I didn't even knowm.

Anyway, callbacks for 2 Broadway shows in 1 day! That's crazy! I'm a genius! (At auditioning at least). I want to celebrate by having a drink, but of course now I have callbacks to go to, so I have to save my darling little vocal chords and celebrate by drinking throat-coat herbal tea and watching Gossip Girl from yesterday. DON'T tell me anything about what happens, I haven't gotten to it yet.

So yeah, please send your good thoughts and crossed fingers my way. (Don't really send me your fingers, but cross them and think of me and then maybe tell a little white lie while your at it since your fingers are already crossed and you might as well kill two birds). I'm going in for the cover of 2 leads in a new show called Vanities and then for Sheila in Hair. Woo hoo!

And don't really tell any lies, bad karma.


Destinee said...

You don't need luck, girl, but I'll think good thoughts for you anyway.

P.S. I listened to The Last 5 Years the other day and when that audition song came on I thought, "Hey, isn't that the song Libby sang that one time?" Your performances are always so memorable, I thought the girl on the cast recording sounded wrong.

Dave said...

Any update?

Ricky said...

thast awesome libs. matt and were totally gonna try to hit up jakewalk last night but we pooped out. ohh to be old and gay.

Unknown said...

hey libs, its your biggest fan sending you good vibes always and wondering how you are. destinee's right--- the libby winters theme song sounds odd to me out of any other voice.

wishing you could sing me to sleep at the edge of my bed.

and wishing that your directors will see what you can do.