Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I am here. OMG! I work at the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino which is this big, gold panel rising out of the horizon on the south end of the strip. It's ridiculous, there's like all these huge neon signs and some palm trees and a fountain or something and there are Mamma Mia slot machines with rotating screens above them playing videos from past productions, and every 10 minutes or so no matter where you are you hear Dancing Queen piped in over the speakers. It's carpeted (for some reason I thought that was weird), dimly lit and there are no windows so you never know what time of day it is and you can smoke everywhere. During the day the casino is pretty empty so it gets kind of creepy and depressing as the slot machines and croupiers just kind of sit there in a smoky-ABBA-infused haze. The first time I ever went inside I was with Rob Sutton who plays one of my dads and who had driven me there from the airport, "No fucking way this is where I go to work everyday," I said to him. "Yup!" he replied.

What I didn't realize about all the casinos in Vegas is that each one is like it's own little world. One could theoretically spend their entire vacation in one casino since each one has 10 restaurants, a theater, a music venue, a pool (some with real sand and waves), a spa, a mall and enough bars to keep you constantly drunk for days. I guess that's the point. I'm excited that they let you bring drinks into the theaters. They should do that on Broadway, I bet it would up their attendance. And make some of those second acts easier to bear.


Travis said...

Yay! I'm so glad you are doing a blog about your adventures in Vegas! I will check in regularly. :-)

They should totally let you take drinks into the theaters here in NY. They should REALLY do that in movie theaters--or at least the art houses should do that. Can you imagine?

I hope rehearsals are going well. Can't wait to come visit you! We'll figure out a date soon. Until then, don't go broke on the slots.

Special Stories from the Strip blog requests:

1. Can we get a virtual tour of the hotel/casino and your theater?
2. What's the backstage gossip? Any Showgirls melodrama?
3. In the spirit of 1408 (but hopefully much trashier and with a little less John Cusack), are there any juicy ghost stories at your hotel?

Destinee said...

Hey! My last name's Sutton. Maybe he's a relative.

Unknown said...

It is a mother's AND a stage-mother's duty to warn you about staying out of smoke-filled dens of sinful occasions, if not for your soul, then for your voice! But feel free to ignore this warning and just have fun. That's what I would do.

Ricky said...

Ok Whoa!
#1:Have you met any prostitutes?
#2:Are you in gambling debt?
#3:How's the buffett?

Patricia said...

Dear Libby ~~ thanks for starting your blog and sharing the Las Vegas experience with those of us who have never really had a desire to be there....until now. We're looking forward to seeing you in Mama Mia.

Can you please advise on a couple of Las Vegas matters?

1. What do people wear to the shows? We're packing and need to know how formal the Mandalay Bay theater crowd appears to be.

2. There's no smoking in the theater ... right?

Looking forward to seeing you and your new show in your new town!

Johanna Winters said...

Schwess, feels a bit silly for me to post a message on your blog, but how did opening night go?!? I cannot wait to see you onstage this weekend!


Paul T said...

Yeah Girl . . . F'n kick some F'n A!!

Great to hear all about it. So excited for you. And I know yer just gonna kill it. They'll love ya. Have the best, best, best time.

P.S. Remember . . . in Roulette, always just bet on all the numbers that mean something special to you. Cause if you don't, and you lose, and the winning number is your age (21? 22?) or something you'll be real sad.